

FixedFrame.TV is the evolution of photography. The amazing invention of black and white film was followed by color, and now technology takes the art of photography into motion with FixedFrame.TV. Without panning, zooming or defined storyline, FixedFrame.TV delivers a park bench view, from locations around the world. These artistic frames allow for the viewer to be transported to the place and to see the photo in motion. These scenes and locations provide a relaxing and meditative vantage point for the viewer to receive the feeling of being there.


A streaming service? Yes actually. The idea is to utilize the bandwidth now available almost every where and to deliver a Low ad, OR No Ad Relaxing video streaming service for businesses and homes. This service offers artistic & scenic streaming products that no one else has. All delivered straight to you without web styled ads. Passive Television!

We are seeking funds for Web APPS, the site is ONLINE now.
iOS, Android, Apple TV, Android TV, Roku, Amazon Fire, Samsung Tizen

The centerpiece of our platform is the content rich FixedFrame.TV. Conceived by Steven Rockefeller, Jr. and Denis O’Brien over 12 years ago, the format’s introduction of content offers the perfect mix of beautiful images from 5 continents, free from panning, zooming or graphics. These non commercial movies can be playing in your business without fear of your competitor’s ads playing in your waiting room. Soon, you will be able to build playlists of your favorite images to play, OR you can have a curator or VJ select your list.

Scaling will be fantastic and simple. The world is full of artists and great camera-people. By utilizing blockchain styled participation, the content providers will earn a share of the content royalties when their Photos or films are utilized in streams. Streams will be

digitally catalogued with 100% transparency and funds delivered via smart contract.

FixedFrame.TV in prelaunch and available to subscriber with over 100 unique clips from around the world. FixedFrame.TV has created a digital interactive media business model to gather and produce high quality, relaxing video content for direct distribution to a global audience. High speed broadband infrastructure, tactile mobile video screens and dynamic ad insertion have set the foundation for transformative disruptive change in the global video distribution industry currently dominated by cable and satellite distribution systems. Our business model is aptly designed for the digital age without the burden of legacy investments in old technology or the impediments of complex distribution restrictions.

WE WILL TAKE IN CONTENT WORLDWIDE AND SHARE REVENUE. We are creating the world’s largest creative FixedFrame artist community and OTT relaxing broadcast channel to allow us to effectively distribute the world’s largest and most comprehensive library of relaxing and calm video from around the world. Streams will be digitally catalogued with 100% transparency and funds delivered via smart contract.

SAMSUNG just debuted Frame.TV for artifice use of screens, we have the living video, passive content for these screens now.


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